File by OCR 1.0
An OCR reader that lets you recognize scanned text and automatically creates files and folders.
Optical Character Recognition, or OCR, is a very important office tool. It lets you convert the content of scanned documents (a graphic image) directly to a text document. And one of the most interesting of these tools is File by OCR.
File by OCR reads the document, scanning and extracting the text it detects in the image and, according to what it is doing, it automatically creates folders with the name of the document header. Within each of these folders it saves, in PDF format, the extracted text from the scanned document.
Apart from generating a PDF, File by OCR lets you create a CSV file with all the information it reads and extracts from the scanned image. File by OCR is, without doubt, one of the most powerful, complete and professional OCR tools you can find.